Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

Picture of Tak Lee

Tak Lee

Tak is dedicating his life to solutions for environmental sustainability. He is currently venturing in transitioning Hong Kong to a decarbonised and sustainable future at Ampd Energy, a Hong Kong startup whose vision is to create an emission-free future for construction. Ampd’s lithium-ion energy storage system electrifies construction sites enabling clean, quiet and data-rich energy delivery. He has a B.S. in Marine Biology from The University of California, San Diego and has been connected to the ocean since he was a kid. He most recently worked with Shark Stewards on “JinYu (Metal Fish)”, a short film investigating the difference in mercury toxicity levels in seafood between Hong Kong and San Francisco, which premiered in the 18th Annual International Ocean Film Festival.
We kill an estimated 70-100 million sharks every year. Despite increased awareness and continued activism, this number increases everyday. The shark fin industry continues to expand. Just last  May, 2020, 26 tons of shark