Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

Picture of Clarissha Vallerie Widjaja

Clarissha Vallerie Widjaja

Clarissha Vallerie Widjaja is a second-year student majoring Culinology® with Nutrition and Food Analysis extension at Taylor’s University Malaysia. Her great interest in Nutraceutical and Functional Foods motivates her to embrace and flourish her passion by seizing learning and networking opportunities as well as to bring inspiration to people. Other than pursuing her dream, she relishes listening to classical music, playing instruments, and learning foreign languages. Baking cakes and experimenting distinctive ingredients are also her way to escape from boredom and daily routines. Moreover, she loves to share ideas through her writings.
Clarissha Vallerie Widjaja’s article is adapted from her submission to the Eat Blue Essay contest, a sponsored essay contest by the Research Chefs Association and BlueNalu in which culinary students from around the globe