Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

Saildrone and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have partnered to put 5 hurricane drones into the Atlantic Ocean where hurricanes frequent with the hopes of gathering data to better forecast dangerous storms.

On September 30, 2021 one of the 23-foot-long Saildrone Explorer SD 1045 ocean drone’s entered the core of Hurricane Sam and sent back video footage.

The Saildrone sent back video of over 50-foot waves and monitored 120-mile-per-hour (190 kph) winds. Using the data, researchers hope to improve their understanding of the rapid intensification of hurricanes to mediate and predict the threat to coastal communities.

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Eat Blue

Eat Blue is an educational platform which aims to celebrate life below water and the people who make a difference. Our multimedia approach/campaign explores the depths of ocean optimism and seafood sustainability that connects consumers to the stories that matter.