Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

Picture of Lauren Pyjar

Lauren Pyjar

Lauren is currently a senior at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, studying International Law and Ethics and minoring in Environmental Studies. She grew up in San Diego, California, and she likes to go surfing and open water swimming whenever she goes back home. Now she spends her free time playing guitar and going walking and biking around DC.
The Realities of the Shrimp and Lobster Industry Many people resort to seafood as a source of protein that is more sustainable than land-based meat. For the most part, this is accurate – seafood
The Realities of the Shrimp and Lobster Industry             Just as there are various types of land-based meats with unique carbon footprints, various kinds of seafood also have different levels of carbon emissions. In
Deep-sea mining is the process of extracting mineral deposits from sections of the ocean floor that are greater than 200 meters below sea level. The deep ocean has vast mineral deposits of rare earth
Successes and Failures in Domestic and International Fishing Regulations The fishing economy is a critical aspect of the livelihoods of millions of people around the world. Three billion people rely on seafood as their