Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

October 2021

Plankton are the foundation of the marine food web as they are intricately balanced within the greater climate and carbon system. Plankton help to regulate and produce half the oxygen on Earth making them
In July 2021, The Ocean Cleanup took its first large-scale cleanup system, called System 002, or Jenny, to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch between Hawaii and California. They conducted a series of tests over
“We all know that trees fight climate change by breathing in carbon dioxide and breathing out oxygen. But what about the ocean and coastal ecosystems — how do they impact the climate crisis?” Listen/read
In a new report published by American Journal Public Health, a team of researchers have argued that ocean health is “intricately linked” to human health. The authors demonstrate that restoring the health of oceans
Ocean life helps produce clouds, but existing clouds keep new ones at bay. Ocean plankton breathe about 20 million tons of sulfur into the air every year. Chemical reactions can take place to result

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