Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

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Eat Blue

Eat Blue is an educational platform which aims to celebrate life below water and the people who make a difference. Our multimedia approach/campaign explores the depths of ocean optimism and seafood sustainability that connects consumers to the stories that matter.
    The ocean traditionally acts as buffer to increased atmospheric warming because it absorbs carbon dioxide and resultantly ” has absorbed over 90% of global heating.” When the ocean absorbs CO2, it is then taken
    Through December 3rd, ministers from all over the world will convene in Geneva, Switzerland for the World Trade Organization’s upcoming 12th Ministerial Conference. Much anticipated discussion will revolve around the draft of a new
    Between Novemeber 17th and November 19th the Clean Ocean International Expert Group of the UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development will present goals and a strategies for obtaining a clean ocean by
    Researchers from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History recently concluded that whales eat around three times more food than was previously thought. This larger increase in nutrients means that the large whales excrete
    Last week, Ocean Day at COP26 led to a large coalition of Blue Leaders including government leaders and ocean advocates calling for immediate action to protect the world’s vast ocean and “to safeguard the