Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

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Eat Blue

Eat Blue is an educational platform which aims to celebrate life below water and the people who make a difference. Our multimedia approach/campaign explores the depths of ocean optimism and seafood sustainability that connects consumers to the stories that matter.
    “We all know that trees fight climate change by breathing in carbon dioxide and breathing out oxygen. But what about the ocean and coastal ecosystems — how do they impact the climate crisis?” Listen/read
    In a new report published by American Journal Public Health, a team of researchers have argued that ocean health is “intricately linked” to human health. The authors demonstrate that restoring the health of oceans
    Ocean life helps produce clouds, but existing clouds keep new ones at bay. Ocean plankton breathe about 20 million tons of sulfur into the air every year. Chemical reactions can take place to result
    144,000 gallons of oil have spilled into the Pacific Ocean surrounding Southern California. The spill is having devastating impacts to beach ecosystems, birds, and other ocean wildlife. Further, oil spills can harm human health
    The eruption of a volcano on La Palma in the Canary Islands killed everything in sight on land and near the ocean. However, unlike on land, where lava lays lifeless for decades, research shows