Celebrate Life Below Water. Eat Blue

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Eat Blue

Eat Blue is an educational platform which aims to celebrate life below water and the people who make a difference. Our multimedia approach/campaign explores the depths of ocean optimism and seafood sustainability that connects consumers to the stories that matter.
    Researchers have long tried to figure out what happened about a million years ago when a major shift occurred in Earth’s climate system, resulting ice sheets. Recently, scientists extracted and analyzed cores of deep-sea
    In the U.S., floating wind technology is projected to revive wind energy that has historically been constrained by location, equipment shortages, and disgruntled oceanside property owners. For California, offshore wind could be the key
    Nicknamed “Captain Planet,” legendary French explorer, oceanographer, and marine health advocate Jacques-Yves Cousteau has created a legacy for his vast contributions to environmental and ocean activism. Since the early 1940s Jacques-Yves Cousteau demanded that
    Plankton are the foundation of the marine food web as they are intricately balanced within the greater climate and carbon system. Plankton help to regulate and produce half the oxygen on Earth making them
    In July 2021, The Ocean Cleanup took its first large-scale cleanup system, called System 002, or Jenny, to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch between Hawaii and California. They conducted a series of tests over